Yessyca Allexsandra Windy Hapsari, Kim Budiwinarto


This study aims to determine the effect of discipline and work motivation on employee performance on PD. BPR Bank Karanganyar. This research was carried out on PD. BPR Bank Karanganyar, the analysis used is independent variable that is discipline and work motivation, and the dependent variable is employee performance. The sample of this study is the employee who work on PD. BPR Bank Karanganyar. Sample is done by saturated sampling t echnique method. Data collection was done with questionnaires distributed directly to the employees of 47 questionnaires. Data measurement tool using likert scale. The technique of data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis with the testing hypothesis statistical test t, statistical test F and coefficient of determination. Test requirements using validity test analysis and reliability test. Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between discipline and work motivation with employee performance, evidenced by rarithmetic > rtable, where rtabel is 0,288. There is a significant influence between discipline and work motivation on employee performance, it is proved that the results of multiple linear regression calculations with the results Y= 2,454 + 0,395 X1 + 0,432 X2 + e. This study also shows that the influence of discipline and work motivation is not too big with the coefficient of determination 22,3%, while 77,7% influenced or explained by other variable not examined in this study. So discipline and work motivation there is a significant influence on employee performance PD. BPR Bank Karanganyar acceptable and verifiable. The results of this study indicate that the discipline and work motivation there is a positive and significant effect on employee performance on PD. BPR Bank Karanganyar


Discipline, Work Motivation, Employee Performance

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