Badriah Nurul Khusna, Erlina Sih Rahayu


This study aims tofind out the influence of accounting information systems, technology utilization, and human resource competenceon employee performance at PT. BAS ( Brantas Abadi Sentosa ) , Jengglong, Bejen, Karanganyar partially and simultaneously. The sampling technique used in this study is a saturation technique, which is a step to attract the entire study population into a sample, which is 50 people. This technique is a sampling method that conducts sampling of all existing populations so that it is suitable to be used as data for research. The data collection technique used in this case is a questionnaire. The results of the research obtained are accounting information systems and the use of technology significantly affect the performance of employees at PT. BAS ( Brantas Abadi Sentosa ) , while human resource competence does not affect employee performance at PT. Brantas Abadi Sentosa. Accounting information systems, technology utilization, and human resource competencies simultaneously affect (statistically significant) employee performance at PT. BAS ( Brantas Abadi Sentosa ) Jengglong, Bejen, Karanganyar.


accounting information system, technology utilization, human resource, competence, employee performance

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