Djoko Sutanto, Yitno Puguh Martomo


This research aims to examine and provide empirical evidence on the relationship between the strategies of defender organizations and prospectors on human resource policies and practices. To obtain research data, it was carried out by distributing questionnaires, observing and studying the literature. The population in this study are industrial and service companies in SUBOSUKAWANOSRATEN (Surakarta, Boyolali, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar, Wonogiri, Sragen, Klaten). The sample consists of 50 industrial companies and 50 service companies. Sampling in this study was carried out using the convenience sampling method. To test the hypothesis used t test statistic. The tcount value that is greater than the ttable value indicates that the relationship between the two variables is significant or the probability is greater than 0.005. Based on the results of the regression analysis, it can be concluded that organizations with a defender strategy will implement make-oriented sourcing policies and practices; and organizations with a prospectors' strategy will implement proven buy-oriented human resource policies and practices. Meanwhile, organizations with a defender strategy will adopt human resource policies and practices that are more buy-oriented, and organizations with a prospector strategy will implement policies and practices that are oriented to make human resources unproven.


Organizational Strategy, Policy and Practice of Human Resources

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