Erlis Ardianti, Yanti Sri Danarwati


This study endeavors to investigate how employment and the surrounding work atmosphere contribute to workplace stress, and subsequently, how these factors, along with work stress itself, impact the CV Ratio at Karunia Mulya. The investigation was conducted within the production department of CV Ratio Karunia Mulya, employing a questionnaire-based data collection method. The questionnaire utilized a 5-point Likert scale for data measurement. With a population of 102 respondents, the study employed a sample size of 62 individuals from the production department. The analysis of the gathered data involved the application of various linear regression techniques to ascertain the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. Additionally, path analysis was utilized to examine the impact of intervening or mediating variables. The statistical analysis of the data was conducted utilizing SPSS version 23. The research findings indicate that employment exerts a notable and beneficial impact on work pressure, which in turn is influenced by the workplace and working conditions. Additionally, the workload significantly affects employee performance, while the quality of the work environment positively influences employee productivity. Consistent with these results, both workload and work environment, along with work stress, play crucial roles in shaping employee performance. Moreover, the study suggests that work stress does not serve as a mediating factor in the distinct influences of workload and work environment on employee performance.


Workload, Work Environment, Work Stress, Employee Performance

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