KOMUNIKASI ANTAR BUDAYA BATAK DAN JAWA (Studi Etnografi Adaptasi Speech Code pada Masyarakat Etnis Batak di Desa Kebak, Kebakkramat, Kabupaten Karanganyar)

Perna Gustina, Sri Wahyu Ening Handayani


Different cultures can be seen from the aspect of the speech code that interacts between ethnic Batak and Javanese cultures. Slang or communication pattern, intonation, speech, expression, fluency and speaking can be a benchmark for the speech code of the Batak people interacting and adapting to Javanese culture which seems subtle and in comparison inverted with the Batak people is very typical of the rudeness in communication, so that the Batak Ethnic requires to mingle with the new environment as a way to adapt, resulting in an adequate perception. Research purposes. This study aims to determine the speech code adaptation of the Batak ethnicity in its new environment as migrants with Javanese culture as the host. This research lasted for 3 (three) months with qualitative ethnographic study research methods. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, documentation. Data analysis techniques use interactive data analysis. Data validity uses triangulation. Research result. Shows that ethnic Bataks as migrants still retain their original speech code, so that Batak ethnic migrants can still blend in and often Javanese dialogue as a form of negotiation and adaptation to produce an adequate perception of ethnic Javanese as the host.

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