FENOMENA FOTO SELFIE DAN MEDIA SOSIAL INSTAGRAM (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Mengenai Fenomena Selfie di Media Sosial Instagram di Kalangan Pegawai Gramedia Hartono Mall Solo Baru)

Aziz Waliy Purnomo, Sri Wahyu Ening Handayani


The lifestyle changes of the current generation are different from the former, especially in young people. Passion for groups is a manifestation of human nature which is a social creature, and the way people express and document precious moments of change according to the times. As a means of establishing relationships social media, one of which is with photos. In the past, photos were captured in albums, but in In today's era, photos are documented on social media, and one of the photos that currently popular are selfie photos documented in social media accounts one of them is Instagram. Instagram makes it easy for people to save, upload, and share their photos with a large audience (followers). From that convenience, a new activity emerged, namely selfies, and its rampant selfie photos on Instagram make people compete to make photos his selfies were as attractive as possible, and that was the beginning of the selfie phenomenon. Location and Method. This study aims to determine and describe the existing selfie phenomenon, and also to describe and find out the reasons why the perpetrators took selfies. Using descriptive qualitative research methods, observations, interviews, analysis, and in the form of research results. The population used is Gramedia Hartonomall Solo Baru employee who the author has chosen using the purposive sampling technique. Research result. What is obtained from this research is in selfie photos someone can show the good side and can express everything expression, or it can also be to see himself from another person's point of view and also as a means of blending in with the environment. It can be known from the perception of selfie actors, the cognition of selfie actors, the motivation of selfie actors in taking a selfie, and the attitude or impact given by the selfie or the impact received by selfie actors from the surrounding environment. Conclusion. They do selfies based on perception, cognition, motivation, and attitude. Which results in personal satisfaction or pleasure for them.


Selfie Phenomenon, Instagram

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