Reni Susilo Wati, Slamet Djauhari


Working on the same task for a long time wil make employees bored easily. Daily monotonous work routines such as working behind the desk or even the front of the computer can result in employees not being able to maximize their ability to advance the company, as they may no longer have enough motivation to do so. This research is designed to examine the influence of work motivation and job satisfaction of employees on the performance of the employees themselves who performed on a bank that is PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk, Slamet Riyadi branch office of Surakarta. This research method is field survey at PT. BRI Branch Office Slamet Riyadi Surakarta conducted by taking a sample of 32’employees from one population in the actual environment. The design is comprehensive and extends without special attention to any particular symptom or aspect therein, so that the required data is collected from the sample used by the questionnaire as a data collection tool. Data analysis technique used multiple linear regression test, t test, F test and coefficient of determination. The result showed that: 1) Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance (p<0,05). So the first hypothesis that reads job satisfaction has an effect on employee performance is proven correctness; 2) Work motivation has positive and significant effect on employees performance (p<0,05). So the second hypothesis that reads work motivation has an effect on the employee’s performance is proven to be true; 3) Job satisfaction, and work motivation simultaneously affect employee performance (p<0,05). So the third hypothesis that reads job satisfaction, and work motivation have a significant effect on employee performance proven correctness.


job satisfaction, motivation, employee performance

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