Rovky Oktari, Juni Trisnowati


This research was conducted at CV. Herbalove Indonesia Sukoharjo. Population in this research is employee CV. Herbalove Indonesia Sukoharjo totaling 52 employees. All the samples of 52 employees are used as research samples, so the technique used is census technique. Data were taken with questionnaire instruments for Training variables (X1), Work Motivation (X2), and Employee Performance (Y). The item validity test is used product moment correlation formula and item reliability with Alpha formula. The results of validity and reliability test of 32 items of questions are all valid and reliable, so it can be used as a measuring tool of research. Data analysis techniques use inductive statistical techniques. Testing t test hypothesis and F test and multiple regression analysis model. Regression test results show: Y = 10,015 + 0,344 X1 + 0,505 X2. Test t obtained results: 1) Training (X1) obtained tcount 2.890 > ttable 2.021 with significant coefficient of 0.006 < 0.05, meaning training has a positive and significant impact on employee performance. 2) Work Motivation (X2) obtained tcount 4,358 > ttable 2.021 with significant coefficient of 0,000 < 0,05, meaning work motivation have positive and significant effect to employee performance. 3) Based on Ftest obtained Fhit 17,008 > Ftable = 3,18 with significance coefficient 0,000 < 0,05, hence can be concluded that training and work motivation have positive effect to employee performance CV. Herbalove Indonesia Sukoharjo. The higher the attitude of training and work motivation, the higher the performance of employees CV. Herbalove Indonesia Sukoharjo.


Training, Work Motivation, and Employee Performance

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