ANALISIS FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN IMPULSIF KONSUMEN (Studi Kasus Konsumen Indomaret dan Alfamart di Kecamatan Karanganyar Tahun 2017)

Anwar Tulus Dwi Saputro, Kun Ismawati


The purpose of this research was to knowing the: (1) effect of price discount on impulse buying customer’s, (2) effect of bonus pack on impulse buying customer’s, (3) effect of product display on impulse buying customer’s, (4) effect of store atmosphere on impulse buying customer’s, (5) effect of packaging on impulse buying customer’s, (6) effect of positive emotion on impulse buying customer’s, (7) effect of price discount, bonus pack, product display, store atmosphere, packaging and positive emotion on impulse buying customer’s. This research was conducted based on associative research, with population of this research were consumer’s of minimarket Karanganyar regency. Purposive sampling was used as a sampling methode with the total sample of 100 people. Data was collected through questionnaire and was analysis with multiple regression. Results have show there was: (1) negative effect of price discount on impulse buying customer’s, (2) negative effect of bonus pack on impulse buying customer’s, (3) positive effect of product display on impulse buying customer’s, (4) negative effect of store atmosphere on impulse buying customer’s, (5) positive effect of packaging on impulse buying customer’s, (6) positive effect of positive emotion on impulse buying customer’s, (7) there was positive effect of price discount, bonus pack, product display, store atmosphere, packaging and positive emotion on impulse buying customer’s.


Decision, Buying, Impulse

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