Nur Sholeh, Bambang Mursito, Istiqoah Istiqoah


This study  aims  to determine  the effect of packaging, brand  image and product  quality on the decision to purchase teh tong tji at Cepogo Boyolali. This study uses a type  of  quantitative  research. The  population  in this  study were consumers of teh tong tji on Cepogo Boyolali. The number of samples used is 100 consumers of tea tong tji. Techniques in collecting   data  in   this  study using incident sampling is by using a questionnaire. Sekala in this study used a Likert scale. This study uses multiple linear regression with the   SPSS  24.0   program. The  results  of  this   study are   packaging, brand  image   and  product quality have a simultaneous effect on the decision to purchase Teh Tong Tji Super on Cepogo Boyolali. The   results  of   the  t   test  show  the packaging has a positive   and   significant effect on  the  purchasing decision of teh tong tji on Cepogo Boyolali.Brand  image has  a positive and significant effect on the purchasin decision of teh tong tji on Cepogo Boyolali. Product  quality   has  a   positive  and significant effect on the purchasing   decision of teh tong tji on Cepogo Boyolali. Regression models in this study are: Y = 5,534 + 0,609 X1  + 0,245 X2 +  0,388 X 3 + e. The results of the calculation of packaging determination, brand image  and   product quality have an influence of 57% on  the  decision to purchase teh tong tji super at Cepogo Boyolali.


packaging, brand image, product quality, purchasing decision

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