ANALISIS PENERAPAN GREEN ACCOUNTING (Studi Empiris Pada UKM Penggergajian Kayu U.D Mega Cipta di Desa Pilangsari, Banaran, Kalijambe, Kabupaten Sragen)

Dyah Ayu Puspita, Arya Surendra


Small Medium Enterprises (SME) is productive economic enterprises undertaken by individuals. And one of the biggest contribution to industrial waste. Currently in Banaran, Kalijambe there are about 9 sawmills in Small Medium Enterprises. Therefore this research focuses on environmental awareness, understanding environmental costs. The object of this research is wood sawmill in Pilangsari, Banaran, Kalijambe, Sragen year 2016. This Methodology on the study uses qualitative research will be done by observing and interviewing the owners direct as respondents. The conclusion of this study is that many small industries are not aware of environmental conservation and environmental costs, none of which actually apply the concept of environmental accounting.


Environmental Accounting, Environmental Cost, SME Sawmill

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