Gayuh Santoso, Giarti Slamet


This study aims to identity how much influence the product quality and price so that it affect purchase interest. This research was condused at Luwes Kestalan Surakarta in Jl. S. Parman 117 Banjarsari Surakarta in October 2021. The sampling in this study used 72 respondents, the data collection technique was trough a distributed questionnaire to respondents, and the research variables are Produk Quality (X1), Price (X2), and Purchase Interst(Y). The study uses descriptive analysis with a quantitative approach, and the test the level of relaibility using Cronbach Alpha and then the data is processed by Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. Hipothesis testing using the F test and t test with significane level of 10%. Reseacrhers used SPSS Version 25 tools. From the result of multiple linear regression analysis show that purchase interest is influenced by product quality and price. The result of determination (R2)  uses the adjusted r square value, because it uses a regression with more than one independent variable, which is 0.744, which means that the product quality variable and price  variable are able to purchase interest by 74.4% while the remaining 25.6% is influenced by other variables not examined.    From the calculation result of the F test and t test, it can be seen that the product quality variable and  price variable simultaneously affect the purchase interst and the most dominant variable is the price variable.


Purchase Interest, Product Quality and Price

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