The interest of prospective students to choose tertiary institutions is strongly influenced by their perception of the university, prospective students choose universities that they already know and have a good image. Prospective students who are interested in entering Widya Dharma University Klaten in the last four years have decreased, therefore it is necessary to identify the problem of why prospective students tend to decline. To solve this problem, a study will be conducted that will explore public perceptions (external stakeholders) on the image of Unwidha, thus the objectives of this study are (1). Identification of external stakeholder preferences for the image of Unwidha Klaten, (2). Analyzing the factors that influence prospective students in choosing Unwidha. The research method used is a survey and quantitative methods. The survey method is focused on obtaining information/opinions of external respondents (stakeholders) about their preferences for the image of Widya Dharma University Klaten, while a quantitative approach is used to explore data (explore) from respondents using closed and open questionnaires. The research sample was taken from sub-districts in the Boyolali sub-district, with a total of 115. Respondents varied, namely: prospective students, parents, graduate users (institute, one), and alumni, the determination of the sample was carried out based on the considerations of the researcher but still paying attention to scientific principles. Data processing is done with descriptive statistics with a focus on Frequency Distribution. The results showed: (1). The accreditation rating of the university is a very important factor in determining the choice to continue education in higher education, and (2). The cost of studying at this university can be reached by the financial capacity of people from all walks of life. (3). Lecturer development is very urgent. (4). The better the maintenance of buildings and facilities/infrastructure, the higher the public's trust in universities. (5). Through the role played by college alumni in society, public trust in universities will be stronger. (6). Parents, friends, and teachers are the driving factors in choosing Widya Dharma University, Klaten as a college where they gain knowledge.
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