Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines



1. Must be written in English.

2. The writing contains scientific studies on Linguistic, Literature, Translation and Language.

3. Manuscripts have never been published both in print and in electronic media.

4. The writing is arranged systematically (a) title, (b) abstract and keyword, (c) introduction (d) method, (e) discussion, (f) conclusion and (g) references.. The abstract consists of 100-200 words. Times New Roman font size 11, single spaced, indented 1 cm from the left and right margins. The abstract must be written in English only. It should contain the objective of the study, methodology and main findings.

5. The introduction presents the research background, gaps between the ideal and actual conditions, support from current theories and studies relevant to the problem. Please state why this paper is important. This section is written in a maximum of 20% (including the title and abstract) of the body of the article. In the end of the paragraph, please briefly mention the aim of the work and the principal conclusion.

6. Methodology. This section explains the rationale for the application of specific approaches, methods, procedures or techniques used to identify, select, and analyze information applied to understand the research problem/project, thereby, allowing the readers to critically evaluate your project’s/study's overall validity and reliability. This part should cover as much as 10% of the length of the paper.

7. The name of the author (without title) is written under the research title.

8. The length of the script is 15-20 pages.

9. The research title must be short, clear, and reflect the subject matter and written in capital letters, not more than 15 words.

10. The subtitles are bold, capital and not numbered. 

11. The writing is guided by standard language, including spelling.

12. The writing of reference sources such as the following example:

      a. Aminuddin (1990:16) stated that ….

      b. Stated by Aminuddin (in Anindita, 2009:32) that ……

     c. ……consists of 5 types (Wei Li.2000:90).

13. The bibliography is arranged alphabetically without a sequence number such as:

Culpeper, J. (2016). Impoliteness strategies. In Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy and Psychology.

Fairclough, N. (1993). Critical discourse analysis and the marketization of public discourse: The universities. Discourse & Society. 

Fauzan, U. (2015). Analisis wacana kritis teks berita  metrotv dan tvone mengenai  “Luapan Lumpur Sidoarjo.” Retrieved from

14. Use APA (American Psychological Association) Citation style to write references. You may use more than 10 years if it is a book. If your references is a journal article, it should be not more than 10 years. Your references must be around 15-20 sources. It is suggested to apply reference software like Mendeley, Zotero or Endnote. Typed in as single space, Times New Roman with font size 12. The author must cite articles from the SELJU Journal that have been published in the previous edition.

15. The manuscript is sent in the form of Ms.Word not PDF.

16. JOURNAL is open to public.

Full and detailed Guidelines can be downloaded in this link:!Al879T2qNLmuhBULq0JDMonVRmcc?e=khHZaU