Rena Wijayanti, Giarti Slamet


The RKAS application system is currently being used by the Education and Culture Office of Sragen Regency. The government formalized the School Activity Plan and Budget Application (ARKAS) as the sole application for BOS fund management in a Joint Circular Letter of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 907-6479-SJ and the Minister of Education and Culture Number 7 of 2021 concerning Integration of Information Systems for Management of School Operational Assistance Funds. This application was developed to be able to adapt itself to existing technological developments. Version changes that occur automatically also have an impact on HR competency imbalances. The author's observation was carried out with the intention of finding out how the administration and implementation of the RKAS affect the efficiency of managing the SD BOS money used in the Reporting process for the RKAS application's School Activity Plan and Budget (RKAS). Preparation of school activity plans and budgets, management of cash budgeting planning, implementation and administration as well as digital bookkeeping of school operational assistance funds will all be made easier by reporting RKAS using the RKAS Application.This final project is written using a quantitative descriptive observation approach. The author uses observation as a data collection approach, using observations from surveys and research findings that have a tendency to be generalized. The process used by the author in his observations included recording administrative elements, the district management team supervising the use and reporting of the RKAS Application from schools under their auspices, as well as increasing the ability to understand and socialize the RKAS Application to the community. friends in the school environment.From the findings of this observation, it can be concluded that the two independent variables significantly influence how effectively public elementary schools in Sragen Regency manage BOS funds in order to facilitate the preparation and reporting of RKAS by schools


Information System, RKAS Reporting, ARKAS, Effectiveness

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