Lujein Lutfi Husen, Sri Wahyu Ening Handayani, Samsi Samsi


Indonesian Psychological Services or what is often referred to as JASPI is an applied psychology institution that was founded in 1994 by Drs. Achmad Bari Psychologist. The aim of this research is to find out more about Therapeutic Communication between Nurses and Adolescents Exposed to Mental Health at the Indonesian Psychology Services Laweyan Surakarta. This research can be seen by interacting directly with teenagers exposed to mental health who have difficulty expressing themselves. This research uses Suryani's theory. The research method in this research uses qualitative methods with descriptive analysis. The sampling technique in this research used purposive sampling. This research uses source triangulation as a data validity technique. The results of research at the preparation stage carried out by nurses with teenagers created a sense of openness between teenagers and nurses so that teenagers could freely talk about the problems they were facing. The introduction stage begins with building a sense of trust and understanding between the nurse and the teenager, in the sense that the nurse pays attention and has empathy to teenager. The work stage is shown by solving problems carried out by nurses and teenagers together so teenagers can express their feelings and thoughts. The termination stage is the final stage in a therapeutic communication stage which reaches the end with the recovery of the teenager themself.


Therapeutic Communication, Nurse, Mental Health

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