Taofik Budi Aji, Eny Kustyah, Burhannudin A Y


The quality of service to customers has a very important role. AHASS (Astra Honda Autorized Service Station) is engaged in the service sector, so improving the quality of service in AHASS is very much considered in fulfilling the services provided by AHASS. AHASS Cahaya Sakti Motor Surakata has a problem in the services provided is not good, on the ability of employees who are less responsive in serving complaints of service users. The problem that will be examined is "whether service quality has an effect on customer satisfaction on AHASS Cahaya Sakti Motor in terms of five service quality variables, namely: physical evidence, reliability, assurance, responsiveness, and empathy. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of service influencing customer satisfaction in AHASS Cahaya Sakti Motor Surakata. The hypothesis in this study is that service quality consisting of physical evidence, reliability, assurance, responsiveness, and empathy variables influence the customer satisfaction AHASS Cahaya Sakti Motor Surakata. Data collection methods to test hypotheses using a questionnaire addressed to 88 customer respondents AHASS. The results of multiple linear analysis prove that the constant value is 9,593 (positive), meaning that if the tangible, reliability, responsiveness, guarantee (insurance), and empathy (empathy) variables in the model are assumed to be equal to 0 or constant, Customer satisfaction will increase by 9,59. Judging from the results of the F test, AHASS consumer satisfaction is jointly influenced by physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy variables, at the alpha significance level of 5% or at the 95% confidence level. Based on the results of the t-test, each independent variable is physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy has a positive effect on variable (Y) customer satisfaction, the most influential is the guarantee variable, the conclusion is the null hypothesis is rejected and the numerical hypothesis is accepted .

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