Dinda Ayu Dwi Pangesthi, Sugeng Santoso


The effectiveness of the accounting information system can improve employee performance. This study aims to determine the effect usefullnes of accounting information systems, the ease of use accounting information systems, and the quality of accounting information systems on the performance of BPKD Wonogiri employees, both partially and simultaneously. This research is a quantitative research with hypothesis testing. The population used in this study were all staff of BPKD in Wonogiri Regency. The research sample is the user employees and those involved using the accounting information system in BPKD Wonogiri District, amounting to 35 people. The source of research data comes from questionnaires. Data were tested by t test, F test, coefficient of determination test and multiple linear regression test. The results of the study are: 1) usefullnes of SIA has a positive effect on employee performance 2) ease of use SIA has a positive effect on employee performance 3) the quality of SIA has a positive effect on employee performance 4) the ease of use SIA is the most dominant on employee performance at 5) together variables the usefullness of SIA, ease of use SIA, and quality of SIA affect the performance of employees and by 74.8% the variability of employee performance variables can be explained by the variables of the usefullness of SIA, ease of use SIA and quality of SIA.


Usefullnes of SIA, Ease of Use SIA, Quality of SIA and Employee Performance

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