Setyo Arshi Pranantyo, Sarsiti Sarsiti


In this research has the objective to determine the effect of reliability (reliability), experience of marketers (sales experience) and the ease and convenience (convenience of acquisition) on customer loyalty Nu Green Tea product produced by PT. ABC President Indonesia distributed by PT. Prima Binasan either partially or simultaneously. The hypothesis in this study are: Suspected reliability (reliability), experience of marketers (sales experience) and the ease and convenience (convenience of acquisition) have a significant effect on customer loyalty Nu Green Tea product produced by PT. ABC President Indonesia distributed by PT. Prima Binasan either partially or simultaneously. Necessary data in this study are primary data obtained by questionnaire from a sample of 143responden. Analysis of the data used in this research is multiple linear regression, t test, F test and coefficient of determination. The results of data analysis in this study can be concluded that the reliability (reliability), experience of marketers (sales experience) and the ease and convenience (convenience of acquisition) have a significant effect on customer loyalty Nu Green Tea product produced by PT. ABC President Indonesia distributed by PT. Prima Binasan either partially or simultaneously.


reliability, sales experience, convenience of acquisition and customer loyalty

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