Joni Mardiyansyah, Rohwiyati Rohwiyati


In this study the authors have a goal to determine the influence of expertise, behavior, service quality, and job satisfaction on performance of sales in PT. Gren Food Indonesia Branch Sragen either partially or simultaneously. Hypothesis in this research are: Suspected expertise, behavior, service quality, and job satisfaction have significant effect on performance of sales in PT. Gren Food Indonesia Branch Sragen either partially or simultaneously. The data needed in this study is the primary data obtained by questionnaire method from the sample of 35 respondents. Data analysis used in this research is multiple linear regression test, t test, F test and coefficient of determination test. The results of data analysis in this study can be concluded that expertise, behavior, service quality, and job satisfaction have significant effect on performance of sales in PT. Gren Food Indonesia Branch Sragen either partially or simultaneously.


expertise, behavior, service quality, job satisfaction and performance

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