Dewanti Mukti Lestari


The research objective to find out: (1) influence of the welfare program to employee’s work productivity, (2) influence of leadership style to employee’s work productivity, (3) together influence of welfare program and leadership to employee’s work productivity, and (4) the dominant influence between welfare programs and leadership to employee’s work productivity onBadan Keuangan Daerah Karanganyar Regency. This research is a quantitative study with explanatory analysis. This research was conducted at the on Badan Keuangan Daerah Karanganyar Regency. The population as well as the research sample of 72 people with a census method technique. Data collection techniques used were questionnaire observation, observation, study of literature and documents. Data analysis techniques used are multiple regression, t test, F test and determination test. The results obtained are: (1) The t test results found that the welfare program variables with the value of t count> ttable (6.164 <1.960), which means that the welfare program was factors significantly influence employee’s work productivity. (2) The t test results found that the leadership style variable with t count> ttable (4.028> 1,960), which means that the leadership style factor has a significant effect on employee work productivity. (3) The results of the F test are shown that F count> Ftable (41,249> 5.41), which means that the welfare program and leadership style affect the work productivity of employees in the on Badan Keuangan Daerah Karanganyar Regency together. (4) The t-count value of the welfare program variable is 6.164 greater than the t-count value of the leadership style variable, which means the welfare program has the greatest effect on employee work productivity in the on Badan Keuangan Daerah Karanganyar Regency. The equation of the multiple linear regression line is Y = 12.738 + 0.606 X1 + 0.213 X2 + e with an oef of determination of 0.63. This shows that the variable work productivity is really explained by the variable welfare program and leadership style by 63%. The rest is explained by other variables not examined in this study.


Welfare Program, Leadership Style, Work Productivity

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