Teguh Raharjo, Kun Ismawati, Savitri Savitri


This study aims to evaluate the system of recording cash receipts and disbursements applied to Warung Sate Kambing Bang Tigor, Surakarta. In this study, it will be discussed how the implementation of the system for recording cash receipts and disbursements at Warung Sate Kambing Bang Tigor, Surakarta. The main point in this paper is "How is the system for recording cash receipts and disbursements applied to Warung Sate Kambing Bang Tigor, Surakarta?" The object of this research is the cash receipt and disbursement system that is applied to Warung Sate Kambing Bang Tigor, Surakarta. This research is expected to find out the weaknesses of the system that has been applied to the stall. Data collection techniques used in this study are interviews, and observation. The method of data analysis is exploratory descriptive analysis. The results show that the system of recording and disbursing cash that is applied has several shortcomings that must be corrected immediately for smooth operation. The following are some findings of weaknesses in the system for recording cash receipts and disbursements at Warung Sate Kambing Bang Tigor. Academics are expected to take advantage of the information from the results of this study. Researchers are expected to deepen further about implementing a good cash receipts and disbursements recording system.


Accounting System, Cash Receipts Recording System, Cash Disbursement Recording System

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