Dimas Cahyo Saputro, Kun Ismawati, Novie Endi Nugroho


Increased financial literacy and financial inclusion can develop micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) because UMKM actors can understand the basic concepts of products, planning and good financial management. It can also protect in the future from fraud and unfair work of the financial markets. This study aims to determine the effect of financial literacy and financial inclusion on the development of UMKM work in Karanganyar. Sources of primary data obtained from research based on interviews and questionnaire distribution. The data analysis technique in this research is multiple linear regression analysis with the help of the computer SPSS program. The results of this study can conclude that financial literacy and financial inclusion are factors that have a significant positive effect on the development of UMKM  performance in Karanganyar.


Financial Literacy, Financial Inclusion, UMKM Performance

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