Employee performance is a description of the level of achievement of the implementation of an activity program or policy in realizing the goals, objectives, vision and mission of the organization as outlined in the strategic planning of an organization. The objectives of this study are: 1) to determine whether there is an influence between job stress on employee performance at PT. New Suburtex II office section, 2) to determine whether there is an effect of job satisfaction on employee performance at PT. New Suburtex II office section, 3) to determine whether there is an effect of job stress and job satisfaction on employee performance at PT. New Suburtex II office section.
This research is a quantitative case study. Secondary data obtained by documentation method. The population in this study were employees at PT. New Suburtex II office section and samples taken were 76 respondents. The data collection method used was a questionnaire which was measured by a Likert scale. Data were analyzed using 1). Data Qualitative Test which consists of Validity Test and Reliability Test, 3). Descriptive Analysis Test, 3). Classical Assumption Test which consists of Normality Test, Multicollinearity Test, and Heterokesdacity Test, 4). Multiple Linear Regression Test, 5). Hypothesis test consisting of t test, F test, determination coefficient test.
The research found that all the hypotheses in this study have been proven. 1). Job stress has a partial effect on employee performance at PT. New Suburtex office section, 2). Job satisfaction has a partial effect on employee performance at PT. New Suburtex II office section, 3). Job stress and job satisfaction simultaneously influence the performance of employees at PT. New Suburtex II office section.
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